๐Ÿ›  Context

A Sunder Context encapsulates a FetchEvent's Request object and is used to construct a Response.

A Context is created per request, and is referenced in middleware as the receiver, or the ctx identifier, as shown in the following snippet:

app.use(async ctx => {
ctx.response.body = "Hello!";

Often writing it like this instead makes for cleaner middleware:

app.use(async ({response}) => {
response.body = "Hello!";

Context path parameters#

Often parameters for the request are encoded in the Request's path. If you use Router middleware these will be extracted for you automatically and put on the ctx.params object. If you use Typescript you have to type your context according to what your handler requires:

// This could be used as a handler for route `/posts/:author`
app.use(async ({params}: Context<{}, {author: string}>) => {
response.body = `This is a post by ${params.author}`;

Optional path parameters can also be specified using ?.